Career Astrology – Guidance for best career

Child Birth – Why We Are Facing Difficulty

Child Birth is the most important & most beautiful event in anyone’s life. Everyone wants to flow the life from one generation to another. But, now a days number of cases are being seen that who don’t have any child even after the 4 or 5 years of marriage OR also having difficulty in anyway.

Most important thing to know here is that God has planned everything in our life but we want to execute our own plan infront of him & result will be failed.

Actually in this advance era we don’t plan childbirth immediate after the marriage but to plan it either after 2,3 or 4 yrs. later.
Most importantly remember one thing that when God plan our marriage at the same time he also gives the combinations of Child Birth Astrologically for few months. But we planned and then every plan failed or we face difficulty.

Sometimes it really denial in the horoscopes of both husband and wife and sometime in either one.

But in maximum cases Marriage & Child Birth combinations presents at the same time for few days or for few months.

So it is also the part of education for our children to make them clearly understood for that so that they should never face any difficulty in the path to create complete family.

Jai Mata Di


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